Privacy Policy

Attention all students! You must always comply with our terms and conditions and rules. Please read every single clause before you continue to use the app. If you have any concerns please reach us out at


Your privacy is paramount to us. This policy outlines our practices concerning the collection, use, and sharing of your personal data. By using Swindate, you consent to the practices described in this policy and accept any potential issues or risks that may arise from using our platform. Swindate is designed with user safety and security in mind; however, we hold no responsibility for unintended harm or inconvenience experienced by users.

Data Retention & Deletion

We retain your data for as long as you have an account with Swindate. If you decide to destroy your account, it will be permanently deleted from our systems. Images uploaded will be retained in our S3 bucket for a duration of six months but will require a manual request from users for deletion prior to this timeline.

User Age Restriction

Swindate is strictly for individuals aged 18 and above. By using our platform, users confirm that they meet this age requirement.

Data Storage and Transfer

We utilize servers located in Sydney to store and manage user data. There are no third-party advertisements on Swindate, ensuring a focused user experience.

User Rights & Preferences

You have the right to disable email notifications. This can be achieved by deleting your account or by making a request to Additionally, you can choose to disable app notifications in your device or account settings.

Acceptance of Terms

By registering and using Swindate, you agree to abide by these terms and accept any potential risks associated. Swindate does not have any prior intent or history of causing harm to users, but it's the responsibility of the user to ensure their safety and security when interacting with others on the platform.

Collected User Data

We collect data for enhancing your user experience. This includes your email, name, course, year of study, and other primary data. Key points include:

  • Your email is visible to others when they search or receive recommendations.
  • Chat records, passwords, and other private data are stored securely.

Purpose of Data Collection

We use the data to improve our services, offer relevant recommendations, and ensure secure and authentic interactions.

Data Protection

Comprehensive measures are in place against threats, including XSS vulnerabilities. Access to chat rooms is determined by roles and permissions.

User Authentication

Each user has a unique code for chats. This code ensures only authorized users can interact. Passwords are hashed and are confidential.

Data Privacy

User messages are encrypted, and photos are stored using randomized codes. Verified students can view your student email during searches or recommendations.

Data Sharing & Third-party Services

We don't share your data with third parties unless it's crucial for our services or required by law. Third-party services used by our app have their privacy policies.

User Rights

You can access, modify, or delete your data at any time. You can also opt out of specific data collection practices.

Cross-Site Attacks Mitigation

We utilize CSRF tokens against Cross-Site Attacks. These tokens protect against unauthorized requests.

Updates to this Policy

We may update this policy periodically. We recommend reviewing it regularly to stay informed.

Contacting Us

If you have questions about our security measures or our "super commit" feature, please contact us.

Billing Info

We don't store credit card details. All transactions are via Stripe. No card details are stored by us except the last 4 digits for verification.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

While we continually strive to maintain the security and integrity of Swindate, like any other online platform, we cannot guarantee complete immunity from vulnerabilities or potential data breaches. Hence, we are not responsible for any repercussions that may arise due to unforeseen bugs or vulnerabilities leading to data leaks. We strongly advise our users to:

  • Use unique and secure passwords for Swindate, distinct from those used for other services or platforms.
  • Avoid sharing any sensitive, personal, or potentially compromising information on the platform.
  • Regularly review and update their privacy settings and be cautious while interacting with other users.

By using our platform, users acknowledge and accept these risks and the proactive measures recommended to mitigate potential harm. Swindate is also not responsible for anything that happens outside the platform. If you meet someone at your own will, it is up to you to make sure your safety is the number one priority.

Google Play Store Permissions

For the optimal functionality of Swindate, our app requests the following permissions when installed from the Google Play Store:

  • Camera - To allow users to take pictures, upload profile photos, and share images within the app.
  • Local Storage - To save app-related data, cache for faster loading, and store media files such as images.
  • Internet Connectivity - To ensure users can connect to our servers, send and receive messages, and get the latest updates and features.

We always prioritize user privacy and only request permissions that are essential for the app's performance and user experience. Users have the discretion to grant or deny these permissions. However, declining specific permissions might limit the app's functionality or user experience.

Prohibition of Unauthorized Activities

At Swindate, we prioritize the security and integrity of our platform and services. We strictly prohibit any unauthorized activities that could compromise or alter the app's original functionality and design. Specifically:

  • Penetration Testing: Unauthorized penetration testing or any form of hacking attempt on Swindate is illegal and strictly forbidden.
  • Reverse Engineering: It's prohibited to reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Swindate code or any part of its software. Such activities are considered a violation of our terms and can lead to legal action.
  • Code Tampering: Any attempt to alter, tamper with, or modify the original Swindate code without explicit permission is strictly prohibited and can lead to account termination or legal consequences.

We encourage users to use Swindate responsibly and respect the hard work and intellectual property behind it. Users found engaging in unauthorized activities may face legal consequences and account suspension or termination. If you encounter any security concerns or vulnerabilities, please report them responsibly instead of attempting unauthorized tests.