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Swindate's Dating Algorithm

The Official Dating Platform for University Students in Australia, home to over 1000 students

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Quick Summary

Swindate has opened its doors to all Universities in Australia and the platform has over 900 verified students to date and we're still counting. Swindate is a dating and socializing platform for Swinburne and any student with a .edu.au email. It is free and amazing and the only dating app for university students here in Australia

Who created Swindate?

Swindate was developed by Stefan Ralph Kumarasinghe. I am a computer science student studying at Swinburne University. If you would like to reach me please get in touch with info@swindate.com. Moreover, Swindate is supported by many individuals and friends who volunteer and support the journey to make Swindate #Amazing

Will Swindate find me true love?

Nah, and it was not designed for it. Swindate is a platform for you to find people from your university or other universities across Melbourne. We don't play GOD, we just help you find potential people to study with, to talk and be friends with or even just dating... However, many people have contacted us saying it's a wonderful place to meet new people and friends especially partners, but it's not for everyone.

Any issues?

Search up a guy called Developer on the platform, and send him any problems you have. Or you can just send an email to info@swindate.com

Support us

Swindate's on a mission to make your student life amazing. Stay updated with the latest updates and share your love by following us. We value feedback so remember to share to your friends or reach to us

Express Ideas

Swindate's an amazing community of University students, we are secure and safe and we help students meet and connect based on what they study and their personality. We need bright individuals to make Swindate more fun and exciting and to reach out to every student in Australia to reach mates safely and fall in love. If you have a cool feature you would like to see, tell us

Share Feedback


Do you have a beautiful letter in mind or something you would like to share anonymously with the world? Maybe join a club and meet new friends. Perhaps, you want to chat with someone randomly like Omegle. What about blogging and what about learning about our platform? Here's everything

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Collaborating to educate students to become smarter with online dating

Vicwise a non-profit organization partnering with swindate to make student's dating experience safer